Yesterday we learnt about explosive power tools or (EPT's) and there application to the construction industry. We also learnt about how to use them and the responsibilities those who are using them have to protect themselves and those around them.
EPT's come to two variations, direct EPT's and indirect EPT's, direct EPT's essentially just shoot the nail down the barrel using direct forces from the explosion of the cartirage, compare this to indirect EPT's that have a piston that forces the Nail forward. The difference between the two EPT's would be best described as control, direct EPT's don't have the level of control over the nail when comparing them with indirect EPT's that have a piston. Thus it is required for all EPT nails to have plastic guides and for them to have a shield around the nozzle of the Gun, this protects the user and others around the job.
EPT's are very simple, they have a firing pin that shoots towards the loaded cartridge that then explodes, this then fires the drive pin(nail) or Piston down the barrel that then drives the pin.
In terms of Safety, the PPE that is required is Safety glasses, Boots and Ear Muffs or plugs as these are easily the most vulnerable to injury when using a nail gun. When you using a EPT you are required to have signage and give a clear loud verbal warning when firing each round, you are also to ensure that no one else is within six meters of the EPT while in use. When you are not using a EPT and have it stored away it should always be left in a locked container.
If a EPT fails the fire you are required to keep pressure on the nozzle for ten seconds before lifting it. For it may fire after a delay.
In western Australia uses do not require a license to use a Direct EPT.
When it comes to applying a EPT to different tasks it's important to know what they can be used for, EPT's can not be used on particular products and two particular materials can not unnecessarily be nailed together using a EPT in a particular order. For instance, one can not nail steel to Wood, rather wood needs to be nailed onto the steel as the timber would not have the necessary holding power to keep the steel in place.
The types of products that can not be used in junction with a nail gun are generally those that are too weak or brittle. Simple because a EPT would go straight through say fibrous cement sheeting. Equally there are some metals such as copper that are to soft.
Cartridges and strength:
When it comes to the types of firepower, EPT's can go from relatively weak to very powerful.
The weakest being a brown cartridge all the way up to Black. EPT of today are adjustable allowing for greater diversity in what a cartridge can be used for.
The Following colours show the strength from weakest to strongest.
Brown, Green, Yellow, Red, Purple, White and Black.
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