Sunday, December 7, 2008


Cladding Installation:

Today we installed cladding on the mock houses, we used MDF as cladding representing cement sheeting. Before we went outside, me and Cameron ripped down some pine for the internal and external stop ends we rebated the external stop end, we then used brown builders paper as sisolation to start with, wrapping up both an external and internal corners ensuring it overlapped at least 20m horizontally and 50m vertically.
Once that was done we put flashing down the corners and screwed our stop ends onto corner studs. We then proceeded to clad the wall, first measuring the length between the internal and external corners.

Starting at the bottom working up, first using a packer of equal thickness as the cladding, this was screwed into the side of the structural steel track. We put in our first length of cladding leveling it with our stop ends (already leveled of each other) we then overlapped each length after that by 25mm, you get into a rhythm and the cladding goes up fast and efficiently.

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