Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today we spent most of the day learning about skirting and doing various angles from 90 degrees to 45 degrees.

How it was Done:
We started by getting a large mold to nail our skirting onto and then went and got the MDF. I then started on the easiest angle (internal corner at 90 degrees) and cut one piece of the MDF at 45 degrees, once that is complete i butted this against a flush piece of MDF that buts level into you're corner. You then mark the internal side of the MDF and use the coping saw to follow this edge angling the saw inwards slightly allowing some space behind the face.
One MDF have been scribed together You can then mark the outside edge cutting at 45 from the corner outwards. You then repeat this process as you move around the wall.

When you come to a Architrave you can do a few different things, you can either scribe out the Architrave or the Skirting. When the skirting is scribed around the architrave the skirting needs to be cut on an angle with the longest point on the outside edge, the angle you cut it at is dependent upon the type of finish on the architraves edge. You then use the coping saw to scribe around the edge of the skirting making sure that you angle it and ensure the face runs clean over the architrave.

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